
Mooshi may look tough, but he is a big moosh. Hence the name. He was minding his own business when he was violently attacked by another dog. Mooshi was left with a broken leg, a punctured abdomen and numerous bites and scratches, some requiring stitches. The good news...


Meet Bubba. Bubba, being a lab, found himself what he considered a tasty treat. Unfortunately, it was a corn cob. What Bubba didn’t know (or maybe forgot in the heat of passion) was that corn cobs don’t come out as easily as they went in. We at Houndhaven...


Less than a week into the inception of our new mission to help dogs get needed medical care (which we are calling “Houndhaven Helps”), we have helped our first dog. This sweet boy was adopted from Houndhaven almost 8 years ago. His mama has treated him for...