Welcome to the HH Helps family, Xena! Dr. Schwassman contacted us for help when Xena presented with a large growth blocking the entrance to her ear. Her owner had rescued her from a previous owner who was not taking care of her. She came not only with the growth but...
China is one of the lucky ones. As a pitbull puppy there are a lot of strikes against you. But, despite the odds, China found a home with a loving family. All was going great until, in the way only clumsy puppies can, China fell off the porch and broke her leg. Her...
Keanu let us know that the ear mass Dr. Schwassman removed was a benign polyp and not cancer! There is always a chance that it may regrow, but that probability is greatly reduced by the fact that Dr. Schwassman lasered the site of attachment to prevent regrowth. We...
Calle was brought to see Dr. Schwassman because she was dizzy and having trouble walking. Sure enough, the problem was with her inner ear. She had a deep infection and needed a surgical deep cleaning. There seems to be an epidemic of dizzy dogs right now because this...
Chance is a lovely boy who, unfortunately, has some very unlovely allergies. His mom is a teacher and ran out of his allergy vaccine injections over the summer and couldn’t afford to refill them. His allergies are flaring, and Dr. Schwassman felt he needed help...
Meet Red. He was brought to Dr. Peck’s office after having been shot while he was minding his own business in his own yard! The bullet fractured his leg, and Red was in need of immediate surgery. When the owners had trouble coming up with the cash to get Red the...