Thank You!

If have have voted for a dog, thanks! You’re all set! You can close out this page or return to the calendar voting page.

Keep reading if you just submitted a photo to the calendar contest: (Scroll Down!)

Congrats! You have successfully entered. 

 Please note: Adding your dog to the voting list is done manually, so it can take up to 12 hours to see your submission.
**If you don’t see your submission within that time period, please email me at

If you submitted a photo to the calendar contest:

You can also secure a special day on our calendar exclusively for your dog, no voting needed! It’s a first-come, first-served opportunity, so act quickly to claim your date!

Sorry for the extra form to fill out, but we need it for the “add-a-day” feature to work.

Please note: While the calendar will allow you to select multiple days, you only get 1 day per $10.00 entry. If you have any questions, please email me.

Calendar Days Only Apply To Contest Entries. If You are voting for a dog, calendar days do not apply to you.

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